Tag: apps
Updated Nokia Chat apps for N8 brings separate widgets for accounts !!
Nokia chat for my N8 has got updated 3-4 days back through Nokia store and the new version no. is v3.14.10.
The most visible change is that...
Symbian App updates,Cutepress updated to version v1.1.1, CNN app updated to v1.3.1 !!
QT based application "Cutepress" has been updated to version V1.1.1. This application has saved many a days for us bloggers, so have a special...
Belle shell, QT based S60V5 app gives Belle like UI. Tips to acess your...
This is very interesting paid application ( INR 50 ) for S60V5 devices like C6, 5800 etc Features: Give Belle like user interface with six home screens...
Latest N9 hacks & Apps !! Home screen settings, QNeptuna, Organiser feed, Swipe manager...
In this article we are bringing to you five latest N9 hacks/apps from various sources which will be very useful in further harnessing the potential...
Swype 2.1 and Nokia Maps suite 2.0 for Symbian Belle running devices!!
With swype version available at Nokia store, I was facing issue of split screen view disappearing while typing with my Belle updated Nokia N8....
Nokia/Symbian Belle Incompatible apps list !!
Nokia has released list of apps currently incompatible with Symbian Belle. As soon as compatible version of these apps are released by developers, you...
Nokia/Symbian Belle’s Wow factors :) Pull down bar, RAM management, Free app gifts
Sorry for a long haul folks.Was bit tied up, but now let me share some fresh first impressions of Belle on my N8, especially...
QT based Symbian applications CutePress and FlickrUp by Abhishek !!
Today we will share our impressions of two QT based Symbian Anna/Belle applications created by Abhishek aka "the showstopper" . Both are slick and powerful application in...
Ovi mail & chat renamed as Nokia mail & chat !! Nokia rebranding :)
Seems that Nokia rebranding of its Ovi services has reached to its last leg with renaming of Ovi mail and Ovi chat as Nokia Mail and Nokia...
Skype for Belle available,WhatsApp update brings new homescreen widget!!
Good news for those who have Belle devices and miss Skype . Skype's new update brings version 2.1.23 to Nokia store which is compatible...
Nokia Beta Labs client being developed !!
An application that allows users to browse the applications in Nokia Beta Labs is being developed informs Nokia Developer's website. The name of this...
New Symbian Belle Dynamic E-mail,Microsoft Apps and Social V 1.5 widgets!!
It looks like Symbian Belle devices are getting Widgests treat nowadays.If you have been following Belle related news lately then you ,might have come...