Windows Phone devices outsell Symbian devices for the first time in U.K. Lumia accounts for 87% of Windows phone sales :)
Bloomberg reports that according to market researcher Kantar Worldpanel , about 2.5 percent of U.K. phone buyers chose a Windows Phone compared with 2.4...
Nokia Asha 303 now available in India at a price of 8899 INR. Pre-order at Letsbuy and Flipkart for 7764 INR only.
If you remember our coverage of GSMarena's review of Asha 303, you might recall how they rated it to be dangerously close to smartphone. Gsmarena has...
Slide to unlock and Vibrating tattoos.Patenetd innovations from Nokia :)
USPTO or US patent office is the place where you can go and search for patents claimed by companies . Some of the tech journo...
Panorama and HDR application for Nokia N9 coming soon.
In an article at Nokia conversations which gives details about Camera improvements with PR1.2 software update, something very interesting has come out. It seems...
Your 808 pureview related queries answered.Shutter Lag, Burst mode, Image and video editing, Raw mode, HDR imaging :)
Nokia Connects played conducted a Q&A session with Damian Dinning , Andrew Flowers and Vesa Jutila where they answered questions on the ins and outs of the...
Lumia 900 coming with improved camera software and audio output at launch.Lumia 800 & 710 will get tethering & audio improvement updates.
In a recent question-answer session of Nokia connects with users, several interesting info bits get revealed. This was a Lumia 900 related QA. It is...
Symbian OS posts 2.8 % growth from Feb to March 2012. Europe and South America show gains for Symbian :)
Statscounter is amazing analysis tool, and it reveals information which is respected and accepted by industry.
And today it has revealed very interesting information about Symbian...
Good news for Nokia. Lumia 710’s US customers are delighted with their phone :)
Argus insights report that Lumia 710 customers are the most satisfied/delighted of all the smartphone customers. The competition here is with likes of Iphone 4S, Galaxy...
Nokia to make super-dry phones with help of nanotechnology:)
Nokia has recently published an article over Nokia conversations about super hydrophobic coatings being developed in its labs and good news is that they...
More 808 pureview official imaging samples :) Engadget’s HTC One X and 808 pureview Comparison.
I found these samples at Nokia's official website.As always they are amazing in clarity and depth of tone.
Page Link
I would like to especially mention the...
All about N9 PR1.2 update. Changelog and video demo of changes in PR1.2 update.
Let us first start with a video demonstrating the most important changes in PR1.2 update.This video is not in english, but if you focus...
Lumia 800 best selling phone in Finland for February.
Two Finnish phone carriers have released their sales results for the month of February 2012 and both show that the Nokia Lumia 800 was the...