Weekend Watch 2: Lumia 925 vs Lumia 920 vs 808 PureView daylight and low-light video capture comparison.
Windowsteca has posted a video on YouTube comparing video capture by Lumia 925, Lumia 920 and 808 PureView's cameras. Good thing is that they...
From Nokia India Blogger’s event: Asha 501 first impressions. Sample camera images. First stock due this week.
So, we got a chance to play with cute, pocket-friendly (Budget and size) wise Asha 501 during Nokia India's blogger's event. We manged to...
Official “WP” channel posts video of “Sasquatch! Music Festival 2013 captured with a Nokia Lumia 928 “.
WindowsPhone's official YouTube channel has posted this video of Sasquatch Music Festival captured with a Nokia Lumia 928. Though we know, Lumias are dream...
Imaging shootout: Lumia 925 vs SGS 4 vs HTC One vs Lumia 920. Lumia 925 declared “best all-round camera phone on the market”.
Recombu has pitted Lumia 925 against two Android heavyweights SGS 4 and HTC One and also its elder sibling Lumia 920 in a quick...
New leaked EOS prototype pictures confirm what our sources reported earlier: The 41 MP Sensor.
We had reported via our sources earlier that upcoming Nokia EOS will have 41 MP Sensor. http://www.nokiapoweruser.com/2013/06/01/source-indicate-not-only-nokia-eos-but-nokia-tablet-too-in-trails-at-att-a-july-unveil-for-eos-and-tablet-on-cards/
But in between there have been endless reports putting...
Daylight and low-light camera comparison: Lumia 925 vs Lumia 920 with HTC One as the special entry :P.
CNET has just posted the review of Lumia 925 and it is on expected lines :P. Anyways, the good part is that they have...
Puzzle: Which one is EOS and which is Lumia 920?
A puzzle (easy one) for you from "Vizileaks". For putting across the message that how much similar Lumia 920 and EOS look from front,...
Imaging shootout: Samsung Galaxy S4 zoom vs 808 PureView!!
Samsung has just launched a dedicated camera(phone) called Samsung galaxy S4 zoom which boasts of 10X zoom and 16 MP camera. Apart from that it...
Weekend Watch 2: Low-light concert videos, Waterfall, Street performance and more captured with Lumia 928.
Thanks "Sirkular" for sending this in. He has contacted us with links of many videos captured with Lumia 928 in 3 different cities of...
Weekend Watch: Video capturing comparison, Lumia 925 vs 808 PureView and Lumia 928 vs 808 PureView!!
In weekend watch we are bringing to you two video capturing comparisons. Both Lumia 925 and Lumia 928 boast of OIS in their camera,...
Vizileaks posts hands-on images and impressions of Nokia EOS now.
Vizileaks has now started a "Blog" and guess what the first post is a mini hand-on impressions of Nokia EOS with new images....
Image of working and sun-bathing Nokia EOS model leaked now!! Comparison with a similar Lumia 920 image.
Sorry, I was not able to write anything with this image as was stuck in a meeting. Now, you can have the first look...