Nokia’s Camera Guru is unable to conceal his excitement @Damian Dinning @N8 successor :D
Some tweets from Nokia's Camera guru set the tone for MWC. He says, he feels like a boy on christmas eve :). Big hint. Some...
New widgets to come soon to Symbian/Nokia Belle :)
The theme creator software for Nokia, Nokia Carbide Tool has given some interesting hint about new widgets making their way to your Symbian/Nokia Belle running device...
Lumia 610’s rumored leaked picture!!
Just first things first again.Take it with a pinch of salt. A rumored picture of upcoming Lumia 610, which is almost confirmed to debut...
Mozilla Firefox Web browser for N9 now available at Nokia store :) Flash comes next week.
The Mozilla firefox browser which was destined to come soon at Nokia store, is now available for free at the store. But it seems...
Is significant industry news (Pure View), the product of collaboration of Nokia with Carl-Zeiss ?
The kind of coverage and importance Nokia has given to Carl Zeiss some days back on Nokia conversations seems to indicate something great coming...
Nfc Interactor gives N9,C7,603,700,701 full Access to NFC Tags!! Available free at Nokia store.
Nokia developer has reported about an NFC application called NFC interactor. It is available in the Nokia Store for all NFC-enabled Symbian Anna/Belle phones...
Nokia’s high profile press conference at Mobile World Congress, Live webcast planned :)
This indicates something very significant is going to be announced, check the details below from Nokia's press release. On Monday, February 27, the first day...
Nokia becomes world’s top Windows Phones seller after Q4 2011 !! Q4 sales close to 1 million devices.
This was really quick and expected. Nokia sold more smartphones powered by Windows Phone operating system than any other company in the fourth quarter of...
First Microsoft apps update officially announced by Nokia.To come later for N8, E6 and 500 !!
Officially announcing the availability of First Microsoft Apps update , Nokia told that the update will start reaching to devices from this week. The update is available for the...
Nimbuzz blog says, ICQ, AIM, Myspace and Hyves will no longer be available via Nimbuzz !!
A bad news for Nimbuzz users and especially those who use to access ICQ, AIM, Myspace and Hyves via Nimbuzz. According to Nimbuzz blog these services...
N9 Hacks/Apps, Get widgets on your N9 !!
I know, everyone will agree, when I say that N9 has one of the most elegant and simple looking user interface ever seen on a...
The New York times confirms Lumia 800 getting good traction in Europe :)
Seems that Lumia and Nokia are now getting some positive attention from media, which till now has enjoyed bashing Nokia and its strategy any given time. I...