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Bytes: Lumia 1020 still goes by the name Lumia 909 in wifi certifications. In-depth...

Two interesting bytes for you about Lumia 1020!! First byte is about the name Lumia 909 for it. So, we have heard that it was earlier named as 909 and while we certainly don't put...

Pre-order Lumia 1020 on AT&T now!! Ships on 23rd July.

Quick heads-up!! Pre-order for Lumia 1020 opens at AT&T. All three colors are now available for pre-order. The page informs that Lumia 1020 will ship on 23rd July. The off-contract pricing is $659.99 and...

Interesting read: A photgrapher’s take on #Lumia920 and #Lumia925!! Mini comparison and some really...

We saw this when Nokia connects tweeted the link of this article and naturally, I went to check it out :). So, professional photographer Dave Wares has taken two Lumias, Lumia 920 and Lumia...

Lumia 1020 register page up at Phones4u, Three, CPW in UK. CPW mentions September...

  Slowly, registration pages are coming up at various operator and retailers in UK, confirming wide availability of Lumia 1020, when it finally gets released. You can sign-up for the device at Three, Phones4u and...

Top stories from weekend: Elop’s interview. Lumia 1020’s huge popularity. #Lumia1020 vs 808. Lumia...

Time to take you through the top stories from weekend, so you don't miss out on anything interesting we covered over the weekend. CEO Elop's interview with WSJ and ET: Elop famously said to WSJ, "hard...

Lumia 1020 has same sharpness levels, better oversampling algorithms and higher ET (4s) as...

Seems, intense debate has been going on about Lumia 1020 vs 808 PureView post Lumia 1020's launch. Now, we know how much 808 PureView owners love and are proud of their phones. So if...

GSMArena: Only 808 comes close to Lumia 1020’s resolved details. Video capture also beyond...

GSMArena has posted their impressions about Lumia 1020's 41 MP PureView camera. They are very impressed with the camera on Lumia 1020 and simply find it in another league in both image and video...

Weekend watch: Lumia 1020 compared with Lumia 925, 920, 820, 720, 620 and 520....

Three videos for viewing pleasure in weekend watch. First video is an interesting comparison of Lumia 1020 with full Lumia WP8 family excluding Lumia 928. Second one is really good in-depth hands-on of Lumia...

Many more full-size Lumia 1020 images (Low-light). Free camera grip on buying Lumia 1020...

Some more full-size samples captured with Lumia 1020 camera from Nokia. It has got one very pleasing low-light sample as well. This sample does some justice to OIS and oversampling on Lumia 1020. One...

Death of SLRs!! PureView phase1, PureView Phase 2, Rich-reording, ProCam and that portability make...

So, Nokia has manged to pull off what imaging enthusiasts wanted it do. To bring PureView phase1 and phase 2 together. They have not only brought OIS and oversampling together in Lumia 1020, but...

Nokia shows leading competitor device with 13 MP sensor (Read SGS4) uses only 10%...

Nokia has released "Whitepaper" on Lumia 1020's camera prowess and tech that goes inside making it amazing. While going through it, we couldn't help but notice this part and share with you. So, Nokia...

Lumia 1020 camera and ProCam app hands-on videos. Watch Juha from Nokia explain amazing...

Few Lumia 1020's camera hands-on videos for your viewing pleasure. In three videos Nokia's head of imaging, Juha himself has explained the amazing camera features and operation. A treat to watch!!

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