Tag: apps
Updated Nokia Maps for Lumia devices brings new features like “Photo posting,Favourites saving and...
Nokia Maps for Lumia devices has been updated with many new features and many of the new features like Syncing favourites, Public transport directions and...
Flickr application for Symbian devices “FlickrUp” updated to new version.Brings many new features.
QT based Flickr application FlickrUp for Symbian devices has been updated to version 3.0.3 and brings with itself many new features and UI changes. The...
Nokia Transport for Lumia devices updated to version 2.1 at BetaLabs. Demo Video.
Nokia Transport for Lumia devices has been updated at Nokia BetaLabs. The new version is 2.1 and it brings many new features to the already...
Nokia Transport for Lumia devices updated to version 2.1 at BetaLabs. Demo Video.
Nokia Transport for Lumia devices has been updated at Nokia BetaLabs. The new version is 2.1 and it brings many new features to the already...
Linkedin and Extra Buttons apps for Symbian devices updated to new versions. Bring new...
Linkedin's official application for Symbian devices and Extra buttons application, which adds more usability to Symbian Belle UI have been updated to new versions. For Linkedin...
360 deg Panorama creation application “Microsoft PhotoSynth” for Lumia devices now available at Marketplace.
Microsoft Photosynth app is now available in Windows Phone Marketplace. It is a great Panorama application which allows to capture 36o degrees, both vertically and horizontally...
Wazapp for N9 gets two more updates (Version 0.2.5 & 0.2.6). Many enhancements, new...
Wazapp, the Whatsapp for N9 is getting updates after updates and it has received two more updates ( 0.2.5 and 0.2.6). These updates have brought many changes...
Wazapp for N9 gets two more updates (Version 0.2.5 & 0.2.6). Many enhancements, new...
Wazapp, the Whatsapp for N9 is getting updates after updates and it has received two more updates ( 0.2.5 and 0.2.6). These updates have brought many changes...
Nokia Transport version 2.0 now available for Lumia devices at BetaLabs.
Nokia Public Transport application for Lumia devices has hit version 2.0 at Nokia BetaLabs. This release brings many new features to the application. With this release you...
“Smart Office” available for free at the Nokia store.Limited time offer for Symbian and...
In what seems to be a rush and grab offer, powerful office application "Smart Office" for Symbian devices is available for free at the Nokia...
Wazapp for Nokia N9 hits fourth update (Version 0.2.4). Many UI improvements, new features...
Wazapp, the Whatsapp for N9 is getting updates after updates and within the time period of last reported update 0.1.8 to now, it has received two more...
Wazapp’s software updates available. FAQs answered by the developer Tgalal.
Yesterday Wazapp application was out to the world in Beta (0.1.6) version. What seems like a testimony to the developer's commitment is the fact that...