How to link Social and Nokia chat to Contacts in Symbian Belle !!

Many Symbian users have been asking this question in many forums, so I thought to put up this article for all of you who want...

N9 PR 1.2 (MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan) update brings support for application updates!!

Seems that PR1.2 update for N9 will also bring apps update notification feature to N9. According to Nokia developer website, the upcoming MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan update...

Updated Nokia Chat apps for N8 brings separate widgets for accounts !!

Nokia chat for my N8 has got updated 3-4 days back through Nokia store and the new version no. is v3.14.10. The most visible change is that...

Symbian App updates,Cutepress updated to version v1.1.1, CNN app updated to v1.3.1 !!

QT based application "Cutepress" has been updated to version V1.1.1. This application has saved many a days for us bloggers, so have a special...

808 pure view to have dual core processors, Lumia 900’s design language !!

First things first, We have been tipped by one of our sources about this, but please take it with a pinch of salt. What the...

Lumia 610 confirmed. Passes through certification in Indonesia :)

Few hours back we posted article about Tango update and rumored device Lumia 610 to be the cheapest windows phone. Also Lumia 610 is one of...

N9 has got bright future says marketing research firm from Ontario. Long live N9 !!

In what can be said to be an eye-opener survey , a marketing research firm from Ontario, Canada, where N9 has not been even released...

Tango brings new features,fragmentation to WP OS; Nokia Lumia 610 to be cheapest windows phone!!

Now after some leaked screenshots of "Tango" the new version of Windows phone OS, it becomes clear that even Windows Phone is heading towards...

Belle shell, QT based S60V5 app gives Belle like UI. Tips to acess your apps on C6 easily!!

This is very interesting paid application ( INR 50 ) for S60V5 devices like C6, 5800 etc Features: Give Belle like user interface with six home screens...

Latest N9 hacks & Apps !! Home screen settings, QNeptuna, Organiser feed, Swipe manager !!

In this article we are bringing to you five latest N9 hacks/apps from various sources which will be very useful in further harnessing the potential...

Belle update for 500 brings improved browser,notification bar,larger live widgets :)

As published in our last article Symbian/Nokia Belle update is now available for Nokia 500 and now has been confirmed by Nokia conversations. Nokia...

Symbian Belle update for Nokia 500 now available.Check your product codes !!

Symbian/Nokia Belle update for Nokia 500 is now available on official Nokia Belle update page. For quickly checking whether it is available for you...

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