Nokia Map data for Symbian and Meego devices updated to new version.
Yes this is Map data and not the Nokia Maps software which has got a new update. The new version is and the release...
Wazapp’s software updates available. FAQs answered by the developer Tgalal.
Yesterday Wazapp application was out to the world in Beta (0.1.6) version. What seems like a testimony to the developer's commitment is the fact that...
Wazapp (Whatsapp for N9) Beta is out. Rush and grab :)
So, it is out finally. Wazapp Beta for your N9 is out and the .deb file can be downloaded from Go and grab it from the...
Easy Answer, cool application for Nokia N9, allows call handling without touching the screen.
Easy Answer as the name suggests, is a cool application which makes call handling on Nokia N9 possible without even touching the screen. Easy Answer...
Wazapp( Whatsapp for N9) Beta testing screnshots posted. Should be out pretty soon.
Arie, one of the beta testers of the Wazapp, the whatsapp for N9 has posted the application's screenshots on his blog. Feast your eyes on the...
Nokia Public Transport for Nokia N9 released at BetaLabs.
Nokia Public Transport has been released for N9 at Nokia BetaLabs. It is already available for Symbian and windows phone devices. Local public transport information is...
Sale!! Huge discount on Premium apps at Nokia (India) Store:)
I don't know, if this is valid for India only, but if you wanted to buy premium apps and couldn't do it due to...
Beta release for Wazapp, the Whatsapp application for N9 on 1st of May:)
Great news coming from the developer Tgalal himself. A Tweet from him confirms that Beta version of Wazapp, the Whatsapp application for N9 will be...
Wazapp, the whatsapp for N9 has got first demo video posted on YouTube.
To silence the doubters Tgalal, the developer of Wazapp, the "Whatsapp for N9" has posted a demo video of the application running on N950, the Meego developer's device....
Nokia NFC devices to serve as wallet with Mastercard Paypass and PagSeguro NFC app from INDT.
Nokia has posted two articles on Nokia conversations hinting about NFC technology (of which Nokia is one of pioneers) to be used as mobile...
Overclocking you N9’s processor. PR1.2 stock kernel only.
Yes, it is possible thanks to some amazing brains at work. Posted over Maemo forum by Creamy Goodness, there is step by step detail of...
Whatsapp for N9 progress update!!
The developer tgalal has posted the progress update for "Whatsapp for N9". According to him following things are done. Message delivery indicators - Almost
Chat logging -...