HERE Android1HERE Android app and both have received updates. HERE Android update adds Vietnamese language support and can now be installed on smartphones with Intel processors (X86).

HERE Android changelog:

– Added support for Vietnamese language
– Can now be installed on smartphones with Intel processors

Install link has also added some customer-friendly features with the latest redesign.

Hotel booking:

You can already get a wealth of information about a hotel that interests you, such as the phone number, nearby transit and even read reviews from other travellers directly from the HERE map. Now, with a single click on ‘See current prices and book,’ you’ll go directly to TripAdvisor where you can enter your travel dates and book a room.
Increased number of waypoints:
One of users’ biggest pain points we’ve addressed in the latest update is increasing the number of waypoints you can add to a single journey. Instead of five, you can now have up to 10 addresses per trip. To plan a journey with multiple stops, all you need to do is select your starting location, press the plus button up to eight times to input the places you need to stop off at on the way, and then enter the final destination.
Saving more Routes:

You can now also save up to five routes with as many as 10 waypoints each making it super simple to save your daily commute to and from work along with any stopovers you regularly make at the kindergarten, dry-cleaners or the grocery store. Also available for driving, public transit or walking, you can access your saved journeys from either Routes or Traffic. Create your route, select ‘Store’ and enter a descriptive name for your journey and we’ll save it and let you know how many more routes you have left out of the five available.

Traffic Info for cities:

Many of you ask us if your city is covered by traffic info. And, while we’re continuously working on extending our traffic coverage across the globe, you can check your city’s status by clicking on the ‘hamburger’ tab on the right and selecting ‘Cities with traffic info.’ This will tell you which cities have traffic information worldwide.

Easier place sharing options:

Lastly, it is now easier than ever to share a place. Where previously you could only share via Facebook, you can now simply select ‘Share link’ on the place data card and it will create a short, easy-to-share, ‘’ link for you.

HERE link