Tag: WP7.8
Nokia may have already shipped more than 3 million Lumias in April. Adduplex data...
Adduplex's latest data for the Month of April is out and we can see following devices posting % points increase in market share over...
Cinemagraph comes to Lumia WP7.5/WP7.8 devices. Hands-on Demo video !!
Nokia has finally released "Cinemagraph" application for WP7.5 Lumia devices. It is now available to download for Lumia 900, 800, and 710 and will...
News Bytes: Lumia 920 wins “Innovative Handset Award” for 2013. Latest WP 7.8 update...
Great news coming from UK here!! Lumia 920 has won the Mobile News "Innovative Handset Award" 2013. The Mobile News Awards took place on...
Real or Fake: Leaked Screenshot shows “Instagram” application at Windows Phone store.
The Instagram saga is never-ending it seems :P. Now a screenshot has been tweeted by a newly created Twitter account @anontechleaks. This screenshot shows "Instagram" application...
A bug in “Nokia App highlights” reveals unreleased applications from Nokia and Microsoft. Video...
Sometimes a bug in an application can be so helpful for us bloggers ;). In case of "Nokia App highlights" it has revealed a...
We got it right !! Italian is the 2nd most used Windows Phone language....
Two days back, Alan@Adduplex has teased with a question, which is the 2nd most popular UI language on Windows Phone? And, guess what? We...
MS working on WP7.8 live tiles fix. Skype integration and “Other” storage issue fix...
Joe Belfiore from MS, has been tweeting about many issues fixes and upcoming stuff about Windows Phone on his Twitter account. In one of...
App news: Nokia Music updated. Bluetooth Share and Camera Extras available for WP7.8 devices.
Nokia has recently announced Nokia Music+, a premium music service with really cool pricing. Now, Nokia Music has been updated with Nokia Music+ and...
Is Nokia planning to bring Lumia 822 and Lumia 505 to India ?
Major Indian retailer "Univer Cell" has listed Lumia 505 and Lumia 822 in coming soon section on its website. Now, Lumia 505 was expected...
T-Mobile has chosen not to update Lumia 710 with WP7.8.
It is rather sad to find out that T-Mobile has perhaps not chosen to update Lumia 710 with WP7.8. A reader of WPCentral has...
Nokia publishes WP7.8 update availability table. You can check updated WP7.8 Firmware number.
Nokia has published WP7.8 software update availability table for all the regions. It shows the latest version of software available for your phone. To...
WP7.8 software update roll out officially announced by Nokia. Video Tutorial on how to...
Nokia has officially announced that WP 7.8 update is now being rolled out to all Lumia WP7.5 devices. It will be done in phases...