Tag: mango
Lumia 900’s camera impresses in Lumia 900 vs iPhone 4S shootout by CNET.com.
CNET's Jessica Dolcourt has put Lumia 900's 8-megapixel camera to the test in a shootout with iPhone 4S's 8-megapixel camera.
They have finalized 11 more representative shots to see...
Lumia 900 reviews by Pocketnow and Engadget. Concluded as a potential winner for...
Pocketnow.com and Engadget have posted long detailed reviews of Lumia 900.We will obviously go straight to the conclusions drawn by both in the article and will entrust you to...
Lumias topping the best seller lists at all major Finland operators Elisa, Sonera and...
After becoming the best selling device in Finland for February , Lumia 800 is topping the charts at all major Finnish operators for the month of...
Official pre-order opens for 808 pureview(€ 99), Lumia 900(€ 99) and Lumia 610(€ 49)...
Official pre-order (Italy) opens for 808 pureview at a price of €99 on NStore.it. final price is €599. Expected availablity is May and you have to...
Upcoming Nokia windows phone designs and the leaked video :)
Today, we thought of posting a video leaked some time back and which had some new designs of "to be Lumia phones". It is...
Lumia 900 at pre-order price of “a penny ($0.01)” on Amazon.com :)
We had $49.99 pre-order price for Lumia 900 at Walmart, which we thought was irresistible and unbeatable, but we have been proven wrong. It seems...
Lumia 900 pre-order page up at AT&T website. Pricing $99 on 2 year contract,without...
Lumia 900 pre-order page is now up on AT&T website and 2 year contract pricing is mouth-watering $99.99, but seems Walmart stole a bit of...
Lumia 900 pre-order at Walmart for only $49.99. It is simply a steal :)
Walmart has done a Lumia 710 again. They are providing AT&T branded Lumia 900 at 50 USD less than the pre-order price quoted by the...
Nokia Q1 2012 predictions; 122 million device shipments, 24 million smartphones, 98 million featurephones...
Based on the Q4 2011 results, statscounter estimates for different OSes and the sales estimates from many sources, the analyst in me has again...
Roll out map for SW update 12070 for Lumia 800. Video tutorial on how...
The software update 1600.2487.8107.12070 for Lumia 800 was reported extensively by us. It was also confirmed by Nokia officially. This update finally fixed Lumia 800's...
Lumia 800c launched in China with China Telecom.Supports GSM network as well when roaming.
According to an article posted over Nokia conversations, Lumia 800c the CDMA version of Lumia 800 has been launched in China with China Telecom . The Nokia...
Lumia 900’s day-time camera shots. Again great clarity, depth of tone and color reproduction...
After posting some awesome macro shots from Lumia 900's camera , link of day time shots have been posted over neogaf.com. The pictures are stored in ...