Top weekend stories: #Lumia1020 vs #iPhone5, #Lumia625 pricing & US variant, Asha 501’s popularity, POV, Interviews, #Lumia1020 videos!!

Like all Mondays, we are bringing to you highlights of "what was posted on NPU" over the weekend, which you may have missed in...

Weekend Watch 2: #Lumia1020 OIS, CAF, lossless zoom, rich-recording demo videos. Jets doing stunts in Airshow!!

In weekend watch 2, we are bringing to you more video samples from the same "YouTube channel" from where we brought you video samples...

#Lumia1020 vs #iPhone5: Side by side video capture shootout. Huge difference in clarity and details!!

Laptop magazine has done a  Lumia 1020 and iPhone 5 video capture comparison. Good thing about this comparison is that it has been done...

Weekend watch: #Lumia1020 captures “Fireworks” and “Patriots criss crossing”. Great videos and equally awesome audio.

In weekend watch, we are bringing some videos captured with Lumia 1020's amazing 41 MP camera. Enjoy Rich and awesome sound of fireworks and...

Lumia 1020 compared to DSLR Canon 50D. Reviewer: “Nokia has set the standard by which all others are measured”..

So, Arstechnica has finally done what can be really controversial :P. They have compared Lumia 1020 with not only iPhone 5 and Lumia 920...

More #Lumia1020 shootouts vs #SGS4 vs #iPhone5 vs #Lumia925 vs 808 PureView. Galleries from Forbes, Pocket-lint!!

Some more shootouts for Lumia 1020. It has been pitted against whole lot of camera smartphones including all major competitor flagships and even two...

#Lumia1020 comes out on top with great details & sharpness in first daylight imaging shootout!!

So, Lumia 1020 goes against its competition in the first ever shootout. This shootout has been done in daylight so there is no chance...

1080p/30 fps video sample captured with #Lumia1020. Video reviews by Verge and Engadget!!

Three videos for your viewing pleasure. First one is 1080p/30 fps video sample captured with Lumia 1020 posted by Engadget and two others are...

#Lumia1020 vs iPhone 5. Imaging quality difference is huge. No need to even make a crop for comparison!!

We have earlier brought you comparisons between Lumia 1020 and iPhone 5 and produced crops to highlight the difference between the images captured with...

Lumia 1020 reviews round-up: Verge rates device 8.1 and camera 10. Engadget says must switch if “fabulous glamour shots” is important!!

So, reviews of Lumia 1020 from major tech sites have stated pouring in. As with Lumia 925, we will be bringing a round-up...

Some low light w/o flash images with #Lumia1020 posted by normal user. Great details and light capture!!

So, actually I was waiting to see some low-light without flash images captured with Lumia 1020 posted by some real users. We have already...

Lumia 1020 has “Adaptive oversampling” different from oversampling used on 808 PureView!!

For the sake of understanding how the oversampling used on Lumia 1020 is different from that being used on 808 PureView, we reached out...

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