Tag: update
Tango update reportedly rolling out for Lumia 710 on Rogers.
Though Nokia has officially given a date of 27th June for "Tango" update to roll-out for Lumia 710 and 800, but according to some reports...
Tango update to roll-out for Lumia 800 and 710 from 27th June. Zynga, Play...
Good news finally !! Tango update will start rolling out globally for Lumia 800 and 710 from 27th June. This latest version of the...
Nokia to bring “Camera Extras” apps for Lumias.Video demo of the app. In US...
This new camera app enhances your smartphone’s camera considerably. It adds new settings that will allow you to take pictures that you’ve never been...
Nokia to bring “Camera Extras” apps for Lumias.Video demo of the app. In US...
This new camera app enhances your smartphone’s camera considerably. It adds new settings that will allow you to take pictures that you’ve never been...
Current Lumia devices will be updated to WP7.8 in place of WP8. Will offer...
Lumia devices currently running on Windows Phone 7.5 will not get updated to Windows Phone 8 . It is due to improvements in hardware support and...
Microsoft Business Apps (Version 2.01) finally available for N8 via Nokia Suite.
If you remember when Microsoft Business Apps were made available to all devices excluding N8,E6 and 500, it was mentioned that these will come later to the...
Updated version (V 2.01) of Microsoft Business Apps available for 701 via Nokia Suite...
Quick heads up. Microsoft Business Apps version 2.01 is now available for 701 running Nokia Belle FP1. This update seems to be available both...
Tango/WP7.5 refresh update tested and approved by Vodafone Australia.Pending roll out by Microsoft .
In what seems to be a confirmation that Tango update might be released soon, Vodafone Australia'a software update blog page shows that Vodafone has already...
Social application for Symbian devices gets software update OTA. New version is 1.5 (216).
Nokia's Social application for Symbian devices has been updated to version 1.5(216) and the software update is available OTA on the devices. For installing...
Symbian/Nokia Belle FP2 screenshots. 808’s Camera UI,New keyboard,Swipe unlock,Browser version,Search button,New Music player...
Thanks Sidhant for sending this in. This looks legitimate as "Work In Progress" Nokia Belle FP2 screenshots. The firmware version is 113.010.0205 which is obviously Belle FP2...
AT&T Lumia 900 gets new update. Fixes Purple hue issue and other fixes...
Nokia has announced a series of upgrades and enhancements for the Nokia Lumia 900 on AT&T’s network in the United States. These enhancements address some...
AT&T Lumia 900 gets new update. Fixes Purple hue issue and other fixes...
Nokia has announced a series of upgrades and enhancements for the Nokia Lumia 900 on AT&T’s network in the United States. These enhancements address some...