abcdThe popular app that gone free next as myAppFree of the day is  Simple Timesheet Pro. Here are the deal details.

“Name: Simple Timesheet Pro
Developer: TBall
Standard Price: $1.49
Promotion Price: $0.00
Start date: 30th September
End date: 1st October”

Simple Timesheet Pro Details:

Keep track of your work schedule with Simple Timesheet. The tool provides an easy to use interface for entering your worked hours on multiple projects.

– Backup schedule with Dropbox or Skydrive.

– See detailed statistics

– Export timesheet reports to Excel

– Optionally, track the distance to you workplace via GPS.

A background process can capture a sample every half an hour. This helps you remember your office hours.

Install link

We recommend installing myAppFree on your devices as it offers daily apps and games deals.

Windows Phone Store: https://www. 286ba4a5-33c3-489a-a5a1- 8675503aadca
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