N9 Apps/Hacks : MyMoves version 0.2.0.
MyMoves 0.20: This is a swipe gestures based app which can be downloaded from Nokia store. New features in this release (0.2.0) include, Launching bookmarks, you can now...
Grapevine: Nokia bringing Windows Phone 8 superphone ‘Prodigy’ and mid-range ‘AC/DC’ later this year :)
The Verge reports via their sources that Nokia is currently preparing two new Windows Phone handsets for AT&T. Nokia Prodigy is expected to be...
Nokia to make super-dry phones with help of nanotechnology:)
Nokia has recently published an article over Nokia conversations about super hydrophobic coatings being developed in its labs and good news is that they...
Lumia 800 software update 12070 available via Zune only. Indian users also report improved battery life, camera performance and bug fixes.
The software update 12070 for Lumia 800 seems to be available now in India as well, other than Singapore and couple of users have reported...
Adobe Flash Player for N9 now available at Nokia store for Firefox browser :)
Firefox browser became available for N9 last month, and there was the question on everyone's mind, when will Flash become available and when N9 users...
Official Nokia conversations article on PR1.2 software update for N9 :)
Earlier, we published an article detailing about the changes coming with PR1.2 update for N9. http://nokiapoweruser.com/2012/03/04/all-about-n9-pr1-2-update-changelog-and-video-demo-of-changes-in-pr1-2-update/ Now, Nokia conversations today has published an article about the...
Latest N9 apps/hacks.YouTube Video feed and Time calculator.
YouTube Video Feed:
YouTube Video Feed allows you to have your chosen video feed publish to the event feed. You can choose from Latest subscription videos...
Lumia 800 software update 1600.2487.8107.12070 now available through Zune :)
We just reported availability of Firmware version 1600.2487.8107.12070 at NaviFirm. And now forum memebers at xda developers forum has outed the news that they are able to update...
More 808 pureview official imaging samples :) Engadget’s HTC One X and 808 pureview Comparison.
I found these samples at Nokia's official website.As always they are amazing in clarity and depth of tone.
Page Link
I would like to especially mention the...
Lumia 800 software update version 1600.2487.8107.12070 available at NaviFirm.
The new firmware version 1600.2487.8107.12070 is now available at Navifirm signalling that software update is going to be available for Lumia 800 devices very...
Short 808 pureview VS Iphone4S video capturing comparison :)
A person named T3 has posted a comparison of video capturing capabilities of 808 pureview and Iphone 4S. And no points for guessing what might be the...
N9 to N9 and N9 to PC video calling demoed on Gtalk video call app :)
In our earlier articles we informed you about Gtalk video calling app developed by Nokia for N9 devices having updgraded to PR1.2. Now thanks to toycie199 we have...