808 PureView’s availability Map. 81 countries listed in 4 regions Africa, APAC, Europe, Middle East.

Knowing 808 PureView's availability in your country is now an easy task, thanks to "availability Map" put up by Nokia. There are four broad regions Africa,...

Analysts confirm Lumia 900 the 2nd best selling phone on AT&T for the month of May as well.

If you have a look at the table above, then one thing becomes clear that Lumia 900 has kept its sales momentum going. It...

Availability Maps for Asha 305, 306 and 311 . Pricing, Shipment dates, Free 40 EA Games.

Asha 305, 306 and 311's product pages have country wise availability Maps as well. Worth mentioning is the point that all three devices will see...

Asha 305, 306 and 311 product specifications comparison from Nokia’s Global website.

Asha 305, 306 and 311 have been released and now the product pages are available on the Nokia's global website. http://www.nokia.com/global/products/phone/asha305/ http://www.nokia.com/global/products/phone/asha306/ http://www.nokia.com/global/products/phone/asha311/ We just did a quick comparison...

Full touch Asha 305,306 and 311 revealed officially. Promo videos uploaded on YouTube.

If you remember our earlier posts on Full touch Asha devices, three devices in total were leaked namely 305, 306 and 311 in pictures and...

808 Pureview listed for 32000 INR (In stock) on buytheprice.com and 29500 INR(Out of stock) on Tradus.in. Ships on 10th June.

What seems like a genuine listing on online retailer buytheprice.com, 808 Pureview is available in stock for a price of 32000 INR. The device...

808 PureView to hit Indian retail stores on or after 15th June.Online delivery may start from 10th June. Price to be close to 30000 INR.

Based on our conversations with some of the Indian Mobile retail chains like UniverCell and also some Nokia priority dealers, it seems that 808 PureView will...

Updated Nokia Maps for Lumia devices brings new features like “Photo posting,Favourites saving and syncing, Public transport directions”.

Nokia Maps for Lumia devices has been updated with many new features and many of the new features like Syncing favourites, Public transport directions and...

808 Pureview Priced very reasonably at SR 1999 or 533 USD for Saudi Arabia.

  We got a tip regarding 808 Pureview pricing in Saudi Arabia from one of our blog regulars "Ahmed". The above screenshot has been taken from one...

Flickr application for Symbian devices “FlickrUp” updated to new version.Brings many new features.

QT based Flickr application FlickrUp for Symbian devices has been updated to version 3.0.3 and brings with itself many new features and UI changes. The...

Nokia Transport for Lumia devices updated to version 2.1 at BetaLabs. Demo Video.

Nokia Transport for Lumia devices has been updated at Nokia BetaLabs. The new version is 2.1 and it brings many new features to the already...

Nokia Transport for Lumia devices updated to version 2.1 at BetaLabs. Demo Video.

Nokia Transport for Lumia devices has been updated at Nokia BetaLabs. The new version is 2.1 and it brings many new features to the already...

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