HMD’s announcement today was really surprising and though many were somewhat disappointed with the lack of actual device shown, the truth is , HMD is restructuring themselves for the next chapter. These includes planning the direction of the company and to stay on track and not to rush for the short term benefits.

Mr. Lars was kind enough to be interviewed just a while ago despite his hectic schedule through Microsoft Teams. Unfortunately, I realized at the end of my recording that I only managed to record my own audio and not Mr Lars’s response. I do apologize for this. But, I summarize in my video below the questions that Mr Lars answered and some of them are really interesting to know. Unfortunately, not all the questions planned was answered due to technical limitations and legal implications but we get to know more on what is next from HMD.

Please watch the video here to know more:

On another note, there is a tentative plan to interview Mr Adam tomorrow for more technical questions for the upcoming products, and if anyone knows a better way of recording an interview through Microsoft Teams without a work/organization account, do share with me at my X account