Flappy XMAS Rooster for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Flappy XMAS Rooster. Christmas is just round the...

Easel for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Easel.  Now you can turn your phone into...

mAloud for Windows Phone goes free as myAppfree app of the day

The Windows phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is mAloud. By this app you can listen the...

Jewelly Blocks Deluxe for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Jewelly Blocks Deluxe. It is an extremely addictive...

World Time Clock for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows Phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is World Time Clock. With this app you can...

Series Fan for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows phone app which has gone free next as myAppfree app of the day is Series Fan. Now you Manage all of your favourite...

Buzzle Messenger for Windows phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows phone app which has gone freee next as myAppFree app of the day is Buzzle Messenger. This is a useful app that...

Modern Clock VIII Pro for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows Phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Modern Clock VIII Pro. Are you bored about...

Unotune Music Player for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Unotune Music Player. This is an amazing app...

Galleries for Windows Phone goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Galleries. With this app you can personalize your...

Spitzer Space Telescope goes free as myAppFree app of the day

The Windows Phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Spitzer Space Telescope. The journey through space continues with...

Countdown for Windows Phone goes free as myAppfree app of the day

The Windows phone app which has gone free next as myAppFree app of the day is Countdown. With this app  you can count down...

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