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WhatsApp update brings ability to send pre-recorded videos. Mini review.

WhatsApp's latest version is live in the store and it brings the same features like sending pre-recorded videos and ability to migrate the account...

Instagram & Facebook Beta apps for windows phone updated.

Two important apps have received updates!! Instagram has updated its beta application with some important features like, Tag people in photos Photo Maps UI improvements The update contains...

Network+ settings update for Lumia brings call forwarding improvements.

Nokia has updated Network+ settings on Lumia devices to version 1.4. Changelog indicates improvement related to call forwarding and bug fixes. Conditional Call forwarding Improved call...

My Talking Tom gets updated with new features.

My Talking Tom, is favorite time killer game of many and its fanbase includes young, old and kids alike ( my toddler is crazy...

Windows Phone Apps 6tag, Skype and LinkedIn get updated.

Some major Windows Phone apps have received updates. While for Skype and LinkedIn changelog is known, 6tag update comes without a changelog. Still, seems...
Jolla device

Jolla rolls out first Sailfish OS update. Changelog. Update on shipments and buying options.

Jolla has rolled out first software update for Sailfish OS crushing bugs and improving performance and stability, even before the device starts falling into...

Nokia updates “Accessories” with Nokia Guru aka BH-121 support which goes official today.

Two quick bytes!! Nokia has made BH-121 aka Nokia Guru official today. An update for accessories has also hit our Lumia 925 review unit,...

GDR3 for Lumia 1020 & Lumia 925 to finish testing on Telstra by 23rd...

Telstra Australia, which has really good track record of supporting Windows Phone owners with all released OS updates, has GDR3 under testing now. The...

WP7 devices to get the new cool features of Facebook Beta via update.

To assuage concerns of Windows Phone 7.5 device owners, Joe Belfiore has tweeted saying that the features which we have seen in latest Facebook...

6snap updated to 1.2

6snap is Rudy Huyn's snapchat client, and if you do not already have it than you are missing out.  The new 1.2 update brings...

GDR3 to hit Lumia 520, 620 and 1020 in January 2014,confirms Telus. Changelog.

Some confirmation coming from Canadian carrier Telus about expected release date of GDR3 update. According to the schedule provided by Telus, Lumia 520, 620...

Facebook app for Win8.1 gets major update. VLC player team gets audio support for...

  @videolan hey guys do you work on a WP8 version too? Please just to know it would be great for me PLEASE! — genuinefrand (@genuinefrand)...

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