Tag: update
Nokia updates Video upload & Access point apps. Up to 15 min long videos...
Nokia has pushed updates for two of its official apps for Windows Phone. The "Access point" app which handles operator access point settings gets...
Cortana hacked to reveal all her Avatars. Nokia updates App Folder for Windows Phone...
We can normally notice few of Cortana avatars while in action. If you still don't have Cortana on your device, with help of our...
Solution for Windows Phone 8.1 update issue coming. Diagnostic app lets you tell MS...
Microsoft seems will push a update for the devices facing the error 80188309, which won't let devices update to Windows Phone 8.1 developer update....
Windows Phone 8.1 Games app sees update.
Like Music, Video apps on Windows Phone 8.1, the Games hub app has also separated from OS and is now store-updatable app. This makes...
WP8.1 Music app first update on 22nd April, followed by updates every two weeks.
Seems, we missed on reporting this due to yesterday's downtime. Anyways, here is the good news!! The not-so-gladly received Xbox Music app on Windows...
Windows Phone 8.1 GDR2 update may bring 2K resolution & Snapdragon 805 support.
We earlier reported about two GDR updates lined up for Windows Phone 8.1 with Windows Phone 9 targeted for end of 2014 to early...
8.10.12359.845 is the WP8.1 Build. The installation experience & how to update for newbies
The device, I am using for getting Windows Phone 8.1 developers preview update is Lumia 525 and in case you are not familiar with...
Bing Apps suite get minor update with bug fixes and small improvements
Today Microsoft gave their Bing Suite an update. The update does not feature anything major just minor bug fixes and Bing dropped their name...
Step by step: How to get Preview for Developers on your Windows Phone
With Windows Phone 8.1 developer preview right around the corner, we are all very excited to get our hands on this. Also, it is...
Next Xbox One system update detailed | WinCentral
Microsoft has detailed about next Xbox One system update. There is no news on when it will be available for everyone but you can...
Updated: Source now says both high & low res images will be saved in...
The source article has been updated regarding the "no high-resolution image saving" stuff and it seems we are back to square one. Both high...
Windows Phone 8.1 Music app is store-updateable. Text messages can be searched finally.
Now, smaller but important bits are getting revealed about Windows Phone 8.1. So, one of the annoyance with Windows Phone 8 gets resolved with...