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Nokia suite updated to version 3.3.89 :)

Nokia suite has been updated to new version 3.3.89, and as seen in the screenshot, it is supposed to bring, Performance improvement and more features Better stability Updated...

Firefox browser and Flash player for N9 both get updated to new versions. Flash...

Quick info. Firefox browser for N9 has been updated to version 11. Changelog is not available yet. Do let us know if you find something...

Your 808 pureview related queries answered.Shutter Lag, Burst mode, Image and video editing, Raw...

Nokia Connects played conducted a Q&A session with Damian Dinning , Andrew Flowers and Vesa Jutila where they answered questions on the ins and outs of the...

Lumia 900 coming with improved camera software and audio output at launch.Lumia 800 &...

In a recent question-answer session of Nokia connects with users, several interesting info bits get revealed. This was a Lumia 900 related QA. It is...

Nokia Maps for Asha (Series 40) phones explained officially.Offline Maps and Turn by Turn...

In an article posted over Nokia conversations, Nokia Maps solution for Series 40 phones has been explained in a detailed manner. Highlights of the Nokia...

Nokia to release 10” Windows Tablet running on qualcomm dual-core chipset in Q4.

This time it is from digitimes and according to sources at upstream component suppliers, "Nokia will team up with Microsoft to venture into the...

Lumia 900 pre-order page up at MobiCity for Australia. Expected release date 25th April,...

Unlocked Lumia 900 pre-order has begun in Australia. The pre-order page is up at mobicity.com.au, the Australian website of online retailer MobiCity. The expected release...

Nokia store update 1.22 (15) available for S60V5 devices.

A new Nokia store update is available for S60V5 devices. The store's new version is 1.22(15). No chnagelog is available, but seems that it is...

N9 to android device, N9 to PC and N9 to N9 video calling demo...

In our previous articles we informed you about Gtalk video calling app and how it works on N9 to N9 and N9 to PC video calling. Check the videos...

Nokia Lumia Momentum Map shows April release of Lumia 900 for Canada.

Nokia Lumia momentum map shows April release for Lumia 900 in Canada and operators are Rogers and Telus. Rogers has already confirmed over Twitter...

Lumia 900 pre-orders start next week. Rogers confirm over the Twitter account.

It was not a secret though that Lumia 900 is heading to Canada in April and will be available with Rogers . But now...

Nokia 808 pureview’s rich recording explained. Comparison with Iphone 4S, Galaxy SII, Canon EOS...

Nokia rich recording on 808 pureview promises CD like audio quality from its  recording. While most high end smartphones can only record without distortion to around...

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