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N9 to N9 and N9 to PC video calling demoed on Gtalk video call...

In our earlier articles we informed you about Gtalk video calling app developed by Nokia for N9 devices having updgraded to PR1.2. Now thanks to toycie199 we have...

Skype, Nokia reading, Transport Beta download links and videos hands-on.New services and apps revealed...

Skype with Video calling for Lumia phones: You can download this app here at the below link. Also check the video for Skype Beta hands-on. Download...

Nokia store download crosses 13 million per day :) 100 million registered users.190 +...

Good news after good news. What a day for Nokia!! Officially, Nokia store download crosses 13 million per day. There are 100 million registered users...

Windows phone Apps number cross 70,000 at the Marketplace !!

More than 70,000 apps are now available in the Windows Phone Marketplace. According to AAWP (All about windows phone) following are the highlights, Content is currently being...

Nfc Interactor gives N9,C7,603,700,701 full Access to NFC Tags!! Available free at Nokia store.

Nokia developer has reported about an  NFC application called NFC interactor. It is available in the Nokia Store for all NFC-enabled Symbian Anna/Belle phones...

Nimbuzz blog says, ICQ, AIM, Myspace and Hyves will no longer be available via...

A bad news for Nimbuzz users and especially those who use to access ICQ, AIM, Myspace and Hyves via Nimbuzz. According to Nimbuzz blog these services...

N9 Hacks/Apps, Get widgets on your N9 !!

I know, everyone will agree, when I say that N9 has one of the most elegant and simple looking user interface ever seen on a...

S60V5 phone’s Nokia store client updated to version 1.22(14). Brings free apps as gift...

Good news for S60V5 device owners.The Nokia store client has been updated to version 1.22(14). For updating you need to just open the store client on...

Social networking client updated.New version 1.5 (215) fixes the image upload from gallery bug.

Nokia's official social networking client Social has been updated to version 1.5 (215) and it brings much-needed fix to the "feature not supported error" on trying to...

Nokia Map suite 2.0 updated at Nokia BetaLabs !!

Quick heads up. Nokia Map suite 2.0 has been updated with version 21.2.12 . This update includes these minor fixes: Weather: Fixes to improve localization Places widget: Fixes to...

Three top Symbian Belle Fun Apps, Talking shirley, Dave the waffling hamster, Animal sound...

Move over talking cats now. In this article we are covering two of the best Talking/repeating apps with best animations available for your Symbian...

N9 PR 1.2 (MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan) update brings support for application updates!!

Seems that PR1.2 update for N9 will also bring apps update notification feature to N9. According to Nokia developer website, the upcoming MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan update...

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