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#Nokia giving chance to become one of the first 5 people to own #Lumia...

This is certainly mouth-watering contest!! Nokia has announced a contest on its Facebook page where you can enter to get a chance to become...

#Nokia: #Here to be key revenue generator.Will supply maps to anyone without map asset...

In a recent interview, Michael Halbherr, executive vice-president of HERE has said that Nokia will focus on its mapping arm Here as the key...

Official #Facebook app for windows phone updaed with many new features!!

The official Facebook app for Windows Phone 8 has been updated to version 5.1 with many new features. The app is now available in 19...

New Facebook Beta compatible with 256 MB WP7 devices as well.

A new Facebook Beta has hit the store and it not only brings fixes and performance improvements but also adds support for devices...

Facebook Beta now available for WP7.5 devices at store. Halo: Spartan Assault free trial...

Good news for Lumia WP7.5 device owners. Facebook Beta with all features available for the WP8 devices, has been updated to be compatible with...

New Facebook for WP7 & Push notification improvements coming soon. Facebook Beta for WP8...

Once again it is Joe Belfiore talking and once again it is some good app news after all. So, WP7 device owners rejoice!! New...

Facebook Beta graduates as new “Facebook 5.0 for WP”. iHeartRadio also comes to Windows...

Time for some Apps goodness courtesy of MS's Joe Belfiore!! First of all the Facebook Beta application has graduated to store as Facebook 5.0...

MAU for Nokia Account shows 65% growth from 1st of April to 15th June.

Sometimes stats give very useful insight into predicting the future trend of things!! The Nokia account MAU stats is such an interesting stats, which...

MAU for “Nokia account” shows 45% increase in month of May (52% in last...

  It is very interesting. The MAU or monthly active users for Nokia account has shown tremendous growth in the last two months. From 1st...

New “facebook for Windows Phone” Beta is out. Needs volunteers for Beta-testing the app.

New "Facebook for Windows Phone" Beta is out, but will not be available at Windows Phone store  by search for now. MS is rather...

Facebook MAU statistics shows bigger growth in WP user numbers in Q1 2013 as...

Recent Facebook MAU statistics for Q1 2013 shows bigger growth in just two months  of Q1 2013 than seen in entire Q4 2012. About 965,000 MAU growth...

Lumia 920 exclusivity to EE (UK) ending January 2013.

  Nokia UK has hinted on its Facebook page that Lumia 920 may be available from other retailers from January onwards. There has been too...

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