Home Reviews Comparisons Nokia 5.4 Google Camera vs Nokia Camera: Imaging comparison

Nokia 5.4 Google Camera vs Nokia Camera: Imaging comparison


We recently reviewed Nokia 5.4 camera and found it impressive both hardware and software wise. Now, we compare Google Camera to default Nokia Camera on Nokia 5.4 in terms of imaging quality.

We captured stills using both Google Camera and Nokia Camera on Nokia 5.4. Captured images represent many different lighting conditions and subjects.

Here are comparison sets of 100% and 200% crops of images captured by Google and Nokia Camera. Google Camera image crop is on top followed by the Nokia Camera image crop on the bottom. Both images are captured in daylight but also have shadowed and darker areas.

100% crop:

200% crop:

What is interesting here is the level of exposure that Nokia Camera is identifying correctly. Auto-HDR is on Nokia Camera and Google Camera. But Nokia Camera does better work in terms of illuminating the darker and shadowed portions of the image.

You can check the full-size images captured by both Google Camera and Nokia Camera on Nokia 5.4 by clicking here.

Now, coming to images captured in low-light where Google camera had big lead over Nokia Camera in past. We will compare images captured without flash and with Night mode using both Google and Nokia Camera apps.

Low-light Google Camera:

Low-light Nokia Camera:

Night Mode Google Camera:

Night Mode Nokia Camera:

Here is another set.

Low-light Google Camera set 2:

Low-light Nokia Camera set 2:

Night Mode Google Camera set 2:

Night Mode Nokia Camera set 2:

This is perhaps the closest we have seen Nokia Camera coming to Google Camera in low-light imaging. It performs appreciably well in both low-light without flash and with Night Mode on Nokia 5.4.

You can check the full-size images captured by both Google Camera and Nokia Camera on Nokia 5.4 by clicking here.

You can download Google Camera compatible with Nokia 5.4 by clicking here. Read our Nokia 5.4 camera review by clicking here.

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