You may have been bombarded with articles about Nokia 9 leaking on GFXBench in last 2-3 days. As usually happens just to get more traffic even the biggest of the sites just cover any purported leak without doing a basic verification. This is shameful considering even Tech journalism has the “journalism” word in it.

So, what actually happened? If you remember we had reported about Nokia 8 variants appearing at GFXBench before it was made official. It, however, had appeared as Nokia 9 at GFXBench but variant names TA-1012, TA-1004, and TA-1052 confirm beyond doubt that it is Nokia 8.

This GFXBench entry was re-reported by us recently with Android 8.0. Now, seems one of the clueless site/blog took this as Nokia 9 listing and just covered it so only to be followed by the me-too Tech Media crowd.

Anyways, if you really want to read more about Nokia 9 check our Nokia 9 coverage.