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Here Maps, the mapping arm of Nokia is developing 3D best-in-class precision maps with claimed cm level accuracy. These maps are being developed with connected cars and futuristic self-driving cars in mind. These maps would contain all info on road elevation, road angle in corners, road width, and general road markings, which will make driving a breeze and much safer. The first tests have already been conducted with proto self-driving car from Merc.

With seven radars and using two cameras they conducted tests and the Merc responded correctly.

As the source article in Finnish mentions, though self-driving cars may be years away, but these maps can still warn the driver, co-driver, if the upcoming turning is too hard to bend or the car seems to be lapsing into the lane.

Here Maps have 80% share of automotive navigation market currently, so it is ideal for them to bring innovations to their mapping solution to tap potential of connected cars and self-driving cars in present and future.

Nokia has invested around 6 Billion Euros in six years for improving Here Maps after buying NAVTEQ for 5.4 Billion EUR in 2007. They currently have clients like “Amazon” and “Oracle” and they enjoy clear leadership in automotive navigation. They visualize automobile navigation and related applications as key for future growth and monetization of HERE Maps.

Thanks Kero for the Tip. Cheers!!

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