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Good news for those wondering whether App Folder will be available to their Lumias even without Lumia Black update. (As earlier reported Lumia Black is currently rolling-out to only Lumia 1020 and Lumia 925 with others supposed to get it in coming weeks. Read more in our earlier article).
Our readers have tried and tipped us that they can install App Folder on their devices even if they are not running Lumia Black which means it is compatible with devices running Amber / GDR2. Click here to download App Folder for your Lumia and you can follow our video to get the configuration instructions.
This screenshot has been tipped to us by our reader Xenop and it shows something like an arrow over network and WiFi icons, post Lumia Black update. After bit of a search, we found something which may explain this,
When your cellular data connection is being used to transfer data, you may see the
icon, depending on your mobile operator. This icon only appears on phones that have Windows Phone software version 8.0.10501.127 or later.
So, you should be runningĀ 8.0.10501.127 or above and it still depends on your mobile operator. My device is running 8.0.10517.150, but I am still not able to see these arrows. Anyways, do let us know if you see these tiny arrows appearing.
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