Home Latest Posts With “Preview for developers” update your #Lumia to GDR3 for free. 3rd...

With “Preview for developers” update your #Lumia to GDR3 for free. 3rd Tile column only for 1080p devices.


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GDR3 has gone live for developers as the “Preview for developers” app is available in store now. You must meet one of the following three requirements for using it,

 (a) have an active Windows Phone Dev Center account;

(b) have an active App Studio account;

(c) be running a registered developer device (‘dev unlocked’ phone)

So, what turns out to be really like MS’s promised enthusiast program, one can actually use option (b) and update to GDR3 using “App studio account” for free. You can click here for registering to the App studio program. Though, please read further conditions below before making you device unlocked,

  • Updates will only include the Microsoft update, and not additional OEM drivers/firmware
  • To ensure the best experience, your device must be running the latest OS release (currently 8.0.10322.71) or greater to receive early updates via this program
  • You will be required to accept additional terms & conditions within the app prior to opt-in
  • You CANNOT REVERT to a prior OS version once you have taken an update via this program

The key advantage is obviously,

Key features:

• Access to latest pre-release Windows Phone updates

• Ability to opt-out of pre-releases and only receive production Windows Phone updates

Also, for those wondering about, “whether extra column of mid-sized Tiles comes to their non 1080p resolution device“, the answer is big “no“.

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Preview app download link

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