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Software update available for Nokia Store client on Symbian devices.

  Quick heads up. A software update is available for Nokia Store for Belle devices. New version is 3.30.014. Update is about 5 MB in size....

Tango update for Lumia 900 on AT&T and Rogers Canada available from today. Nokia...

Nokia Conversations has officially confirmed that Tango update is available for AT&T and Rogers Canada Lumia 900 from today. They have released the Changelog for the...

Software Update for Nokia Suite available. New version is v. .

A new software update is available for "Nokia Suite". The new updated version is v. and the download size is 70 MB. It is supposed to...

Qt based Symbian applications cuteTube and Tweetian get updated to new versions.

CuteTube and Tweetian are two awesome applications for Symbian devices. Both are based on Qt and are fluid and fully feature packed. Both have received...

Nokia Belle Feature Pack 2 (FP2) demoed on 701. Lockscreen, Camera & Music Store.

  One more demo of Nokia/Symbian Belle FP2 on 701. The demoer who addresses himself as "alsiladka" :) (Translates as Lazy Boy), has shown Lockscreen, Camera UI...

Tango update with build 8779 now available for AT&T Lumia 900.Improves the camera quality...

Tango firmware build 8779 was available for "Rogers" some time back. Now it is available for AT&T Lumia 900 as well on NaviFirm. So may be...

Tutorial: Installing apps available for only selected Belle Versions/devices at Nokia Store to other...

There are many application which are compatible with 808 and other Belle FP1 devices, but if you search at Nokia Store you will find them...

Fring fixed version 4.5.18 now available at Nokia Store for Belle devices.

Quick heads up. Fring's fixed version for Belle devices is now available at Nokia Store. The version no. for this update is 4.5.18 and the...

Nokia Map’s updated version 2.5 brings Groupon integration and Advance journey planner.

Nokia Maps get updated to version 2.5 and is now available at Windows Marketplace. What it brings with itself are two cool features. Daily Groupon...

As promised by Nokia, Microsoft Apps 2.0 suite now available in the Nokia Store...

Nokia promised sometime back that Microsoft Apps 2.0 will be available from Nokia Store as well and it was perhaps keeping the fact in...

Qt based great apps for Symbian devices Facinate and FlickUp updated to new versions.

Qt based awesome Symbian applications for Facebook and Flickr, Facinate and FlickrUp have been updated to new versions. While there is no changelog for Facinate but it seems...

Qt based great apps for Symbian devices Facinate and FlickUp updated to new versions.

Qt based awesome Symbian applications for Facebook and Flickr, Facinate and FlickrUp have been updated to new versions. While there is no changelog for Facinate but it seems...

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