Tag: poll
Poll: Do you want us to post Anonymous tips??
NPU has one of the best leaking accuracy when it comes to exclusives and reports from sources we trust and quote as "our sources",...
Poll results: 58% will buy a Nokia N1, when it gets released
So, we asked a simple and direct question to you "are you getting one (Nokia N1), when it hits the shelves?" and you shared...
Poll: Are you getting the Nokia N1, when it hits shelves??
Simple and direct, are you getting one, when it hits the shelves?? Take the poll below.
If you somehow missed the Nokia onslaught of yesterday,...
73% of respondents want Lumia to replace Nokia, only 13% want Microsoft branding
Poll results are in and our readers have spoken their mind. As many as, 73% of all those voted would like only Lumia to...
Take the poll. Lumia, Microsoft or Surface, what should replace “Nokia” on future Lumia...
A simple poll!! We have seen front panel images leaking out with Microsoft branding. So, this question goes to all Windows Phone and Lumia...
Lumia 830 is the Windows Phone of choice for 30%, Lumia 730 ranks 4th...
We conducted a poll to judge our reader's mood and preference in terms of "Which Windows Phone smartphone is your next" post announcement of...
Take the poll. Which Windows Phone smartphone is your next?
With Lumia 730 and Lumia 830 going official today, Windows Phone fans and prospective buyers have a deep product assortment to chose from.
From ultra...
56% voters say, Lack of camera button deal-breaker on a Flagship like HTC One...
This is something, Windows Phone vendors may like to keep in mind while planning their next Flagship devices. We asked you to tell us...
Take the Poll: Is the lack of camera button on HTC One for Windows...
HTC has revealed its flagship Windows Phone device HTC One for Windows and you read more about it by clicking here. One thing about...
First Poll results to find Windows Phone Flagship of your choice are in. You...
Yesterday we asked you to vote to find out "Windows Phone flagship of your choice" post "HTC One for Windows" announcement by HTC. While...
The Design of Lumia 2520 voted as the most liked feature by respondents.
Nokia has conducted a poll to get the popular opinion about the most liked features of Lumia 2520. And, unsurprisingly it is design which...
Poll results: 54% of #NPU readers will not buy a Lumia without Nokia. 46%...
So, we conducted a poll to seek the opinion of NPU readers. Our blog visitors pool is obviously made up of Nokia fans, developers,...