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Tag: OneDrive

Telegram Messenger Beta & OneDrive for Windows Phone receive updates

Time for some new updates!!!!! Telegram Messenger Beta & OneDrive have received new updates for Windows Phone Devices. There version are and respectively. However,...

OneDrive for Windows Phone updated with additional sharing options for work files.

OneDrive has received a new update for Windows Phone Devices. The new version is The latest update brings additional sharing options for work files. Install...

OneDrive to Xbox Music integration goes live. Read the FAQs

Quick heads-up!! Microsoft has made OneDrive to Xbox Music integration live now. So, you can now add music to the new "Music" folder on OneDrive...

OneDrive for Windows Phone receives an update

OneDrive has received a new update for windows phone Devices. the new version is The update brings Visual updates to the file properties...

Microsoft to bring OneDrive offline access to Windows Phone

We use OneDrive for storing backups and uploading stuff like photos, videos, music files seamlessly from our Windows Phone devices. But while we can...

OneDrive for Windows Phone receives a major update

OneDrive app has received a new update for Windows Phone Devices. The new version is The update brings UX updates and improvements , All...

Tip: Upload Music to & download Music from OneDrive on your Windows Phone &...

  I guess many of you may be aware of it, but for those who don't know yet, You can use OneDrive to upload your...

OneDrive for Windows Phone receives major update. Brings design changes & more

Microsoft has just updated OneDrive app for Windows phone. The major update brings design refresh ( as can be seen in the above screenshot...

Get 30 GB of free OneDrive storage for Windows Phone, Nokia X, Nokia XL...

 In case, you have already been using OneDrive to save a backup of your camera roll photos, then you don't need to do anything...

OneDrive updated with Recycle Bin access, Bing Apps suite & Fitbit also updated

Time for some apps updates!! OneDrive update adds "Recycle Bin access" and also brings some bug fixes and performance improvements. OneDrive link Bing suite of apps have...

Apps updates: FitBit adds Transparent tile. OneDrive fixes photo hub integration

Time for some updates!! Fitbit official app, which has been recently released to Windows Phone adds Transparent Tile option in its first update and there...

Native WP8.1 Battery Saver, OneDrive and Bing Translator apps updated

Time for some apps updates!! Native Battery Saver app for Windows Phone 8.1 has received update. The update brings ability to sort the apps on...

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