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Nokia & Wired launch MAKETECHHUMAN. Begins today with World Wide Web Inventor Sir Tim...

  Nokia and Wired have today announced an interesting initiative called "MAKETECHHUMAN", that aims to engage everyone in conversations around impact of technology on our lives and futures. This is a year-long initiative and will...

All the Highlights from Joe Belfiore’s AMA on Reddit.

While File manager certainly stole the spotlight during Joe Belfiore's AMA on Reddit, there were some other important stuff which Joe touched upon. Have a look at all the highlight below, New upcoming File Manager...

File Manger announced for Windows Phone

Today Joe Belfiore held an AMA on Reddit.com.  Joe announced that Windows Phone 8.1 will be getting a file manager, and he posted some screenshots on the app, which is already in testing. ...

Windows Phone man Joe Belfiore holding AMA on this Friday

Joe Belfiore, VP Windows & Windows Phone at Microsoft is also hailed as the "Windows Phone" man. He has lots to his credit when it comes to making Windows Phone better and he...

Elop’s AMA: Tackles the “Trojan” question. Says, transformed Nokia into a stronger company .

Stephen Elop, the ex-Nokia CEO and now the Executive Vice President of the Microsoft Devices Group has done AMA on (earlier Nokia) Conversations blog. He tackled some tough question posed by Nokia Fans on...

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