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Lumia 920 goes on sale starting 30th Oct at EE (UK) for a reasonable...

Lumia 920 will be one of the 4G devices coming to EE (UK) that much we knew. Now, reports are indicating that Lumia 920 is already present in working condition in EE stores. They...

Nokia officially reveals Lumia 822 for Verizon.Product page goes live. Major features captured.

It can't get more official than this. CEO Elop has taken to Twitter to announce Lumia 822 coming to Verizon. The product page has gone live and most interesting features can be summarized as: SuperSensitive Touch Exchangeable shells supported wireless...

AT&T Lumia 920 available to pre-order at local Bestbuy stores.

Bestbuy started taking pre-orders for AT&T Lumia 920 online some days back and then hid the links for no known reason. However, we managed to post all the hidden links together for you. But...

Microsoft releases the Zune replacement application “Windows Phone App”.

Microsoft has released the "Windows Phone app" which is supposed to replace Zune. It is now available in Windows Store. This application will be used to manage content on Windows Phone via a PC. features: Get your music, photos, and...

Lumia 822 leaked press shot shows device in all three colors. Black, Grey and...

Latest from evleaks:).  They have now posted what looks like press shot of Verizon bound Lumia 822 in all three colors Black, Grey and White. Seems that Verizon may announce this device pretty soon,...

Nokia Music for Lumia devices updated to new version. Changelog given.

Thanks Shasa for the Tip!! Nokia has updated the free and exclusive "Nokia Music" application for Lumia devices. The new version is and the changelog goes like this. Download all types of mixes to listen...

China Mobile bound Yellow Lumia 920T’s picture emerge. Also seen Black Lumia 920T with...

More and more leaked pictures of Lumia 920T bound for China Mobile are appearing now. For the first time Yellow Lumia 920T has made its appearance in the leaked pics. One more interesting picture of...

Weekend Read and Watch: Low light Lumia 920 shootout with 808 PureView and others.Low...

Test-Mobile.fr had also done an extensive low light shootout pitting Lumia 920's PureView Camera against another PureView from Nokia, the 808 PureView and also with competitor flagships iPhone 5, SGS III and HTC One X. Results are...

Verizon bound Lumia 822 caught on Camera. Rumored to come on 8th Novemeber.

WPcentral ahs received photo of  the all-white Verizon bound Lumia 822 from a Tipster. If you recall @evleaks has also leaked a White Lumia 822 picture atop a White Wireless charger. But this time it is a real-life...

Weekend Watch: Video capturing shootout / OIS Demo.Lumia 920 vs iPhone 5 vs SGS...

This time it is Test-Mobile.fr which has done an extensive shootout by putting Lumia 920 against all other competitor Flagships iPhone 5, SGS III and HTC One X. They have really done a very fair comparison. Read below...

Rumor: AT&T will launch Lumia 920 on 11th November.

Rumor mill is abuzz again and the latest is not so good news after all. BGR has confirmed from their multiple sources that AT&T is planning to launch Lumia 920 on 11th of November....

Jessica Alba now flaunts a “Red Lumia 920”.

Remember, last time when we reported Jessica Alba flaunting "Cyan Lumia 900" in public, it became quite a story ;). We also expressed our opinion about all this, Now, only if Nokia can use these...

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