sky14_scr_wp8_ver2-24_15to9_port_drawingsharing_en_72dpiMicrosoft has updated Skype on both Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 8.1. The update brings new “Drawing” feature, which has landed first on Windows Phone in a welcome change from past. The update also brings much needed Fast app resume feature for Windows Phone 8.1, which means we won’t see “resuming” screen while multitasking Skype. Check the full changelog below,


  • Drawing

Click the ‘+’ icon in a chat and select ‘drawing’ to draw a picture, add a personal touch to a photo or annotate a Bing map.

  • Sign In Improvements

On Windows Phone 8.1, to save time you can now automatically sign in using the Microsoft Account linked to your phone. Plus, we’ve heard existing users ask for the flexibility to sign in with their Skype account, so we’ve added the ability to do this too. Don’t forget to link your Skype account to your Microsoft Account to fully experience improved security, privacy and password recovery.

  • HD Screen Support

If you have an HD screen, Skype will now appear in all its glory.

  • Faster App Resume Time on Windows Phone 8.1

We always want to help you access your conversations as quickly as possible, so we’ve worked hard to make the Windows Phone 8.1 app resume even faster.

Skype link