The official Nokia Mobile Security + OS update tracker for Nokia smartphones and Tablets was updated on December 8, 2022. The tracker update brings the latest information about maintenance or Security updates or firmware (MR) updates for Nokia smartphones and Tablets.

As per the latest updated information provided on the page, November security update seems to be available for below Nokia smartphones.

Nokia XR20 5G

Nokia X30 5G

Nokia G11 Plus

Nokia G60 5G

Nokia G50 5G

Nokia 5.3

Nokia 2.3

Considering our coverage of software updates, the information seems to be a little dated. Nokia G20 and Nokia G21 too are receiving November security update now. Check our security update coverage here.

You can click here for our detailed coverage of all software update news related to Nokia smartphones. Click here to track the October security update releases to Nokia smartphones as they happen.

October/September Security update 2022 is available for all other eligible newer and older smartphones and Tablets. Click on the link provided below to check the official Nokia update tracker page.

Nokia Smartphone Security Maintenance Release Summary Page link

Remaining Nokia smartphones (ineligible) are however on older security patches with many still featuring the March/February/January 2022 Security updates. Other smartphones are at older patch levels with many of them on February/March 2021 patch level.

In case the security update is not yet available for your Nokia smartphone, you should check the build number of your smartphone and confirm it with the information provided on the page. If the build number for a particular device is mentioned in the list, then only it gets the update.

You may be already aware that the Nokia Smartphone Security Maintenance Release Summary page lists Build number and details like whether it is just a security patch or firmware update + security patch for a particular device. But now, Nokia Mobile has enhanced the details provided for each Nokia smartphone on the page. It has added new columns for “Security Patch Cadence” and “No guaranteed Security Patch updates after”.

The cadence tells us whether the smartphone is getting monthly or quarterly security updates. No guaranteed security patch update column mentions the time when smartphone’s 3-year promised security update period ends.