Nokia Lumia Icon Unboxing
Today was my lucky day, after speaking to a Verizon Customer Support Rep, he called the Verizon Wireless store and had them set aside...
Next Angry Birds installment to have a medieval theme.
Angry Birds has one more game installment to announce soon, and it may have something to do with medieval times. They have just posted...
A Night on the town with my Lumia 822 featuring Bag of Donuts
I feel like the rumors and leaked news has simmered down recently besides @evleaks recent leak about an upcoming Nokia Event, so I thought...
Windows Phone 8.1 WiFi sense demoed in a video.
One more video leak for Windows Phone 8.1 and this time, WiFi sense is demoed. WiFi sense is the WiFi connection settings made more...
Nokia hits “the apps gap myth” for a six in latest video.
Nokia has posted a video which rejects the popular Windows Phone "apps gap myth". It shows there in no excuse of not switching to...
Cortana already enjoying lots of mind-share. Jimmy Fallon thinks it’s released!
Cortana, the yet to be released Windows Phone voice-assistant is already enjoying lots of mind-share. To the extent that Jimmy Fallon thinks it's released...
Video of Cortana in action on Windows Phone 8.1
The most anticipated feature from the upcoming update, Windows Phone 8.1. Cortana will serve as Windows Phone voice assistant. Be sure to watch the...
Nokia Video: How to charge your phone by dancing.
Innovation and sustainability are the two values Nokia really strives for! This sometimes leads to some crazily innovative ideas like "charging your phone with...
Tutorial: VBA8 How to get ROMs video
I have received several emails over the last few months about help with getting ROMs on their VBA8 app so today I did a...
Hands-on videos: Nokia X family, Asha 230 & Nokia 220. Enhanced fastlane videos
Time for some hands-on videos of today's announced Nokia X, Nokia X+, Nokia XL, Asha 230 and Nokia 220. Two more video take you...
Nokia posts more Green Duck videos & Green Signal teasers. All Hail Nokia X!
Nokia is teasing Green color from every possible channel. It has posted two more Green Duck videos on YouTube and seems all set to...
Lumia imaging tech brings Light painting to smartphones. Tips, Images and Video.
Photogs and Lumia imaging enthusiasts amongst us would know that we can set shutter speed on Lumias to as high as 4 secs, arguably...