If the listing of latest entry level Lumia, the Lumia 435 is any indication, it may be headed to US market soon. We have earlier seen many variants of Lumia 435 passing certification at FCC. Now, the Lumia 435 is listed as “coming soon” on Microsoft Mobile US website and since we can’t find Lumia 532 listed, hence the listing seems planned.
Lumia 435 (exclusively reported by us) takes Lumia range to its deepest price levels ever and still packs FFC, that has been promoted by Microsoft.
The Lumia 435 has a front-facing camera and a fully-integrated Skype experience. Quickly upgrade a regular phone call to a Skype video call, receive Skype calls anytime, and call Skype contacts directly from the contacts list. Connect with the people you love.
Read more about Lumia 435 here and how it compares with Lumia 532 here.