Facebook has rolled out an update to its Instagram app which enables @mention sharing only on Android and iOS. This is an important update for users from various perspectives. What it does is, it simply gives a user the freedom to share a photo or video into the user’s own story in which they were mentioned.

When someone mentions you in their story, you receive a notification in your Direct message thread with that person — now, you’ll see an option to add that content to your own story. Tap it to see that story as a sticker – you can scale, rotate and position it and add creative tools like text or stickers on to it as well. When your followers see your story, the original poster’s username will appear and will be tappable, so people can explore your friend’s profile as well. Only public accounts can have their stories shared.

The feature is live and can be availed by any user having an Android or iPhone as a part of Instagram version 48. As of now, Instagram did not say anything about the availability of aforementioned feature on the platforms. You can avail all the latest feature of Instagram just by updating or downloading the app from here.