
China Mobile bound Lumia 520 and Lumia 720 variants, Lumia 520T and Lumia 720T have passed both Bluetooth and WiFi certifications. As specified in the Bluetooth certification, China Mobile’s TD-SCDMA network compatibility is where, Lumia 720T and Lumia 520T differ from global variants, just like Lumia 920 and Lumia 920T. Rest all of the specification should remain same.  But this is certainly great news as now world’s largest carrier China Mobile will have three Lumia WP8 devices in its range.

Untitled1Bluetooth certs 1

Both Lumia 720T and 520T also have passed WiFi certifications as well, as can be seen from the below screenshot. Click on the below links for seeing the certifications.


WiFi Certs 1  2