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Play To (GDR3 related issues fix) & 6tindr get updated.

Nokia has updated its DLNA streaming app ''Play To" fixing GDR3 developer preview related bugs. Earlier it was not working with devices running GDR3...

Lumia Black rolling out to AT&T Lumia 925.

Good news coming from AT&T Lumia 925 owners! Some of our readers tip us that Lumia Black update is now rolling out to their...

How to speak to Cortana when she is released to Windows Phone

If you are unfamiliar with "Cortana", it is supposed to be the siri or google now of Window's phones when windows phone 8.1 comes...

Our Lumia Black update & App Folder hands-on video.

Lumia Black update has started rolling out to all Lumia Windows Phone 8 devices around the globe. Lumia 1020 and Lumia 925 are the...

Colors TV app hits store, MoliPlayer updated, MonsterUp adventures free for today.

Some Windows Phone apps related tidbits! Popular Hindi entertainment channel from India Colors TV has released its app for Windows Phone. Check the app...

Lumia Black update’s global roll-out begins. App Folder for all. Lumia 1020 & Lumia...

Great news!! After Nokia China's announcement, now Nokia has announced global roll-out of Lumia Black update. The update will be available first for Lumia...

Nokia China officially announces Lumia Black update roll-out.

Good news coming from China! Nokia China has officially announced roll-out of Lumia Black update for all Lumia Windows Phone 8 devices on its...

WhatsApp, Squirrel, Flipkart eBooks updated. WhatsApp adds Hindi language support.

My Lumia 925 has seen three app updates today and two of them will make our Indian readers happy! WhatsApp adds "Hindi" language support with...

6tindr teased with a screenshot. 6snap sees update with draw on videos & more.

Rudy Hyun, the developer behind wildly successful 6tag and 6snap apps for Windows Phone has teased about a Tinder app before. Today, he has...

App updates: Angry Birds Star Wars & SoundClone (Soundcloud client) updated.

Angry Birds Star wars and Soundclone, the SoundCloud client have been update to latest versions. Angry Birds Star Wars adds "Battle of Naboo" with...

6snap gets updated with new video encoding, big font & more.

The latest 6snap update brings many interesting new features. Two of these new features are related to Snapchat videos and now one can see...

6tag gets updated with Instagram Hashtag security.

6tag, the awesome Instagram app for Windows Phone has been updated again. The latest update brings "Hashtag security" for private posts. Instagram has added...

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