Tag: Preview for developers
Windows Phone 8.1 dev preview teased for early next week.
It can't get more official than this!! So, Joe Belfiore from Microsoft knows how crazily everyone is waiting for Windows Phone 8.1 developer preview...
Step by step: How to get Preview for Developers on your Windows Phone
With Windows Phone 8.1 developer preview right around the corner, we are all very excited to get our hands on this. Also, it is...
Developers Preview may come on or around 14th April. Officially coming in First part...
We had reported via our tipster that Preview for developers may come on or around 8th of April. Before that it was rumored vaguely...
Tip claims only Lumia 630 at BUILD, around 8th April for Dev preview and...
We have received a tip from a trusted tipster that we will only see Lumia 630 at BUILD 2014. The tip says, Nokia may...
Video demo: How to update to GDR3 using “Preview for devs” and New features...
GDR3 update for WP8 has been announced yesterday and we also let you know how you can update your Lumia / any WP8 device...
With “Preview for developers” update your #Lumia to GDR3 for free. 3rd Tile column...
GDR3 has gone live for developers as the "Preview for developers" app is available in store now. You must meet one of the following...