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Nokia granted patent on “Refined Haptic Feedback system” to simulate the sensation of linear...

Nokia has just added a new patent on refining the haptic feedback to such levels that it can simulate the sensation of linear and circular movement. Nokia also hypothesizes that the system will be useful...

Vringo to Acquire Over 500 Patents and Applications from Nokia. Nokia to get cash...

Another asset offloading by Nokia after Qt sell to Digia. Nokia has entered into a Patent selling Agreement with Vringo, which seems to be a company having expertise in monetization of mobile technologies and intellectual...

Nokia says “Nexus 7” infringes its standard WiFi patents!! Google and Asus are not...

  Nokia certainly means business here :). Nokia has indicated that Google's last week  announced tablet Nexus 7, is not licensed for certain standard Nokia patents. The Asus built Nexus 7 is Google's first own-brand tablet...

New Nokia phone design patent. Can be a potential future Symbian phone.

The above sketch shows a new phone design patent granted to Nokia. And looking at menu/navigation bar at the bottom it seems pretty close to something of a Symbian phone design. But any given...

New windows phone design patented by Nokia. Looks like one of the earliest leaked...

Nokia has been granted a device design patent filed on 13 March 2012, which is very recent. This design completely matches with earliest renders of Nokia Windows phones leaked over web long time back....

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