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Tag: Germany

Lumia 920 still enjoying great popularity in Germany and EU.

Lumia 920 still seems to enjoy great popularity in Germany and EU. At price comparison site Compare.eu which compares on-contract and off-contract deals of...

KWP report: Nokia owns 5.6 % of UK and WP 4% of US market...

Kantar WorldPanel's latest report which is for 3 months till Feb 2013 says that Nokia owns 5.6 % of UK and this growth is now...

Cyan Lumia 920 finally comes to Germany. All six colors now in stock at...

Cyan Lumia 920 finally comes to Germany. It is now available at Nokia's official "Noovi" shop along with all other five colors. It is...

Lumia 520 coming to O2, EE and Vodafone in UK soon. Variants at NaviFirm...

Lumia 520 may hit Europe very soon. Though Nokia has already promised Q2 for Lumia 520 launch in Europe, but variants at NaviFirm indicate sooner arrival. So, may be by...

Grey Lumia 920 now in stock at Nokia’s official shop in Germany.

Around end of February, Nokia's official shop "Noovi" in Germany listed both Cyan and Grey Lumia 920 with expected availability from First week of...

Nokia wins injunction against HTC in Germany over Power-saving patent !! Will pursue HTC...

As expected and reported by us earlier, Nokia has finally won injunction against HTC today in Germany. The reason behind this is a Nokia...

Nokia may get its first Android patent license deal soon with ViewSonic. HTC to...

According to a latest report from FOSS patents, Nokia may be pretty close to getting its first Android patent license deal. Nokia had sued Viewsonic in...

Want to pre-order Lumia 720/520 in Europe. List of retailers offering both devices as...

In case you are wondering where to pre-order newly announced Lumia 720 and 520 in Europe and what are the best offers available, here is...

Lumia 620 back in stock (3rd time) at Official Noovi shop in Germany. Sold...

This is the third time, Nokia has replenished stock of Lumia 620 in Germany. It has been sold out twice already since the time...

What’s happening? Lumia 620 in all colors and Black Lumia 920 sold out again...

Earlier and even now it was Lumia 920 which Nokia found difficult to keep in stock. But seems Lumia 620 is following Lumia 920's footsteps...

Cyan and Grey Lumia 920 coming to Germany in First week of March. Black,...

Good news coming from Germany here !! Cyan and Grey Lumia 920 which have already made their way to China and HonKong are also coming...

Black, white and Lime Green Lumia 620 back in stock now at official Nokia...

Nokia has acted fast and replenished the Lumia 620 stock at "Noovi", the official shop in Germany. Some 4-5 days back we reported that...

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