Tag: windows
Xbox One SmartGlass app comes to WP and Windows store.
Good news for Xbox gaming enthusiasts!! MS has just released Xbox One SmartGlass app to Windows Phone and Windows stores. Both the apps can...
Nokia Music coming to Android / iOS / Mac as web app.
There have been lots of discussions about fate of Nokia Music, in face of Microsoft buying Nokia's Devices and services division. Many have...
Here Maps and Flipboard come to Windows store in time for Nokia Lumia 2520.
We may haven't covered Windows store apps before, but that changes with Nokia launching Lumia 2520 and our renewed focus on covering Nokia and...
PhotoBeamer comes to WP7.5 Lumia devices. Windows Phone store comes to new markets, adds...
Nokia's photo projecting application "PhotoBeamer" which has been announced for Lumia WP8 devices is now available for WP 7.5 devices. The PhotoBeamer is now available...