NSN_-_LogoNSN has been selected by Polish Railway for expansion of its GSM-R coverage. NSN will supply all the infrastructure required for this expansion. It will deploy mobile network on 440-kilometer stretch of major east-west rail corridor in Poland.

Nokia Solutions and Networks will provide its GSM-Railway* (GSM-R) mobile infrastructure to cover a 440-kilometer section of Poland’s E-20 railway corridor. To optimize traveling time and help ensure safety, the nation’s rail network management, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe (PLK), has selected NSN’s solution to modernize communications along the tracks, linking central Poland with the country’s eastern border.

NSN has some serious GSM-R credentials,

NSN is one of the inventors of the GSM-R technology, with Siemens researching and creating the GSM-R standard in the early 1990s. The world’s first three GSM-R trial networks and the first commercial network have been supplied by NSN. To date, the company has deployed around 30 GSM-R networks in 21 countries, serving some 50,000 km of railways to make it the world’s number one GSM-R vendor in both the number of commercial networks and the length of operated GSM-R lines.
