Home Latest Posts Microsoft brings “SnapChat” competitor “WindUp” to Windows Phone

Microsoft brings “SnapChat” competitor “WindUp” to Windows Phone


WindupWell seems, Microsoft has also taken inspiration from Snapchat to develop and bring a competitor app named “WindUp” to Windows Phone store. It pretty much does the same thing as SnapChat. One can send images, audio, video and even text to other users. One can also set the timelines when the message expires.

Create and share fun, temporary messages and media with friends using WindUp. Decide how long a message will last – set it to expire after a time or view limit of your choice. Set a low limit to “wind up” your friends as they race to see what you’ve posted, or set the limit high to make your message last longer. WindUp lets you share pictures, videos and audio snippets, as well as text.

WindUp link

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