A new Windows 10 for Phones Build has been leaked in screenshots. The Build in the question is 10038.12518. You can notice that now the preview is known as only “Windows 10 Technical Preview” instead of Windows 10 Technical preview for Phones. So, let us have a look at the visible changes.
Keyboard settings now has many more new options and you can choose Keyboard size, text cursor controller, whether to show “speech, input, contacts etc.
New Microsoft Yahei font and now settings can be pinned to home-screen like we have seen in Windows Phone 8.1 GDR2.
Check the settings pinning options in the top-right corner of the screenshot. Black settings page theme.New version of Photos app
Changed Phone dialer UI
Map settings have many changes: Metered connections toggle, automatically update options and Black theme.
Internet Explorer browser font now is “Microsoft Yahei”
You can read all about the Windows 10 for Phones details at our dedicated page.
Thanks Xio-Feng for the tip. Cheers!!