Home Latest Posts Pixels & Videos Lumia 1520 vs Sony Xperia Z1 compact: Imaging comparison

Lumia 1520 vs Sony Xperia Z1 compact: Imaging comparison


PureViewClub has posted interesting comparison between two 20 MP cameras of Lumia 1520 and Sony Xperia Z1 compact. Xperia Z1’s camera boasts of oversampling just like Lumia 1520 and gives 8 MP output, while Lumia 1520’s oversampled output is 5 MP. So, can Xperia shake it in image quality even after using slightly larger sensor (1/2.3″ vs 1/2.5″) than Lumia 1520 and using its own oversampling algorithms. If the comparson is anything to go by, the answer is no. Nokia’s oversampling algorithms have come a long way and 20 MP camera of Lumia 1520 not only emrges winner in color accuracy but also in resolving details.

Have a look at two crop sets below. Lumia 1520 is on top followed by Xperia Z1 at the bottom.

nokia Lumia 1520 vs Xperia-z1 compact

You can catch more sets in the source article at PureViewClub.

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