Home Nokia Mobile news Nokia Android Smartphones WhatsApp Backups no longer count against Google Drive storage quota thanks to...

WhatsApp Backups no longer count against Google Drive storage quota thanks to a Google-WhatsApp agreement


In a good news for Nokia Android or for all Android smartphones users WhatsApp Backups will no longer count against the Google Drive storage quota. Google has informed this to Android smartphone owners by sending mail communications.

This has become possible because of a new agreement between Google and WhatsApp. This will go into effect starting November 12. However all the previous backups that haven’t been updated in one year will be removed once the policy comes into effect.

So, Google recommends Android owners to take a new backup before October 30 if they want to refresh existing backups. You can start backing up your WhatsApp accounts by going to Settings–>Chats–>Chat Backup and use manual backup or schedule a backup.

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