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POV: Nokia Reborn & expect more. This underlines leeway that Nokia Technologies enjoy.


John Nokia John Kneeland, who is Product manager at Nokia Technologies, the advanced technology business arm of Nokia tweeted asking “You didn’t think Nokia would stay quiet for long, did you?”. Then he introduced Z Launcher to the world with Nokia Reborn punchline used in other tweets.

The Z Launcher introduction indeed took many including us by surprise but now the feeling that most of the Nokia fans may be having is of relief and excitement!!

The launch of Z Launcher and tone of above tweet underlines few important points,

Nokia is back with a new consumer facing self and this is just a  beginning, as it is “the first new product”.

Nokia Technologies has much more leeway (than ever thought) in pursuing what innovation (Hardware or Software) it wants to bring to market and it has funds and freedom to do so.

Expect a new Nokia eco-system of apps which may include HERE apps suite as well and may cater to various mobile OSes

Expect more consumer software & hardware (wearable device) by end of the year from Nokia

Don’t look too forward but 2016 may be a super-exciting year

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